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Lower taxes for parents of minor children

16 Януари 2006 23:33 INSMARKET по статията работи:
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Penalties for false tax statements will amount to BGN 1000

As of this year payroll tax basis shall be lower for parents of children under the age of 18 under the terms of the family withholding taxation. The system and the terms of the allowances were clarified yesterday by experts with the National Revenue Agency.  
Tax basis are to be reduced by BGN 360 for having one minor child, by BGN – for two and by BGN 1140 – for three and more. Only one of the parents shall have the right of the allowance, experts advising on it being the parent with higher income. The other parent shall declare at submitting their tax statement that they will not profit by the allowance. Provided that the parents are divorced, allowance shall be granted to the one given the custody over the child. In case of cohabitation the mother shall have the right of the allowance.
Statements may be submitted at regional divisions of the National revenue Agency, at branch post-offices via mail with advice of delivery or via Internet. When mailed, the date of the postmark shall be observed as the date of sending. This year the deadline for submitting of the statements is April 14th as April 15th is Saturday. The penalty for failure to submit the statement in due time is BGN 500 and the penalty for a false statement – BGN 1000. In case of a second offence, higher penalties will be imposed.  

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