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Three pension insurance companies account for nearly 75% of the total market share by number of insured persons

15 Февруари 2006 11:42 INSMARKET по статията работи:
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Five of the pension insurance companies registered positive annual financial results

BGN 2,714,000 is the net financial result of pension insurance companies as at December 31st 2005, the preliminary summaries of the Finance Supervision Commission show. The income of all companies for 2005 totaled BGN 32,194,000, while expenditures amounted to BGN 28,932,000. In comparison, in 2004 the pension system has reported net financial results amounting to BGN 1,546,000, comprising total BGN 25,261,000 in income and total BGN 22,635,000 in expenditures.
Five of the pension insurance companies registered positive annual financial results. These are Doverie, Saglasie, Allianz, CKB – Sila and DZI. The three companies that have registered negative financial results are: DSK – Rodina, ING and Lukoil Garant. Despite their negative indicators for the year, they have showed positive rates of development in comparison to 2004.
Three pension insurance companies account for nearly 75% of the total market share (by number of insured persons in supplementary pension insurance funds managed by them). These are: Doverie (38.01%), Allianz Bulgaria (25.32%) and Saglasie (11.27%). The rest of the companies have market shares as follows: ING – 8.32%, DSK- Rodina – 6.96%, Lukoil Garant Bulgaria – 4.30%, CKB-Sila – 4.21% and DZI – 1.61%. 
2,239,512 people are insured with universal pension funds in Bulgaria. 903,847 are insured with Universal Pension Fund Doverie, 454,054 – with the universal fund of Allianz Bulgaria, 270,395 – with the Saglasie fund, 210,131 – with the Universal Pension Fund ING, 173,841 - with the universal fund of DSK–Rodina, 100,029 – with the CKB–Sila, 85,997 – with the Universal Pension Fund Lukoil Garant and 41,218 – with the DZI fund.  
182,476 people are insured with insurance companies’ professional pension funds. The biggest number is the number of the insured with the Universal Pension Fund Doverie – 72,426. 37,263 people have insurances with the professional fund of Allianz Bulgaria, 31,780 – with the Saglasie fund, 10,923 – with the professional fund of Lukoil Garant and 10,599 – with the ING fund. CKB–Sila has registered 9,136 insured with its professional pension fund, the relevant number with the DZI being 2,611.
The pension insurance system has reported 549,851 people insured with voluntary pension funds. Companies have already declared 2006 as the year of voluntary pension insurance. In 2005 Allianz Bulgaria was the leader in that sphere, registering 261,092 insured. 153,422 people have trusted Doverie, 32,686 are making their contributions to the voluntary pension fund of Saglasie, 30,763 –of the corresponding fund of Lukoil Garant Bulgaria. 26,631 are the insured with ING, 23,945 – with DSK Rodina, 17,456 – with CKB – Sila ans 3,856 with the voluntary pension fund of DZI.
Divided into types of funds, the share of insured persons is, as follows: 75.36% in universal funds, 18.5% in voluntary funds and 6.14% - in professional pension funds.  

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